Time heals
We've all experienced disappointment and heartbreak at certain times in our lives. Some are more severe than others. Sometimes they cause the kind of pain that leaves a scar on our hearts. Sometimes they cause you to have to reevaluate your life and to give up on certain plans and dreams. Sometimes the pain and disappointment can feel unbearable. But the thing about pain.. Time can heal. God can heal. Facing your pain can be scary and uncomfortable because you know what to expect. You know it's going to hurt. The question is how long and how much hell will you have to go through before you finally feel whole again. That I can guarantee. I can guarantee that it will be hard. But one thing that people don't tell you is that you will have good days. Some days will feel normal and like nothing ever happened. Until you see, hear, or remember something about that person and then you are right back where you were. Or are you? Take a look back at the days behind you. Look back a...